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act of producing

  • 1 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) producción
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) producción
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) puesta en escena, producción
    production n producción
    1 (gen) producción nombre femenino; (manufacture) fabricación nombre femenino, producción nombre femenino
    2 (showing) presentación nombre femenino
    3 SMALLTHEATRE/SMALL (show produced) producción nombre femenino
    4 (of film) producción nombre femenino; (of play) producción nombre femenino, puesta en escena; (of tv programme) realización nombre femenino
    1 de producción
    to go into production empezar a fabricarse
    to take something out of production dejar de fabricar algo
    production line cadena de montaje
    production [prə'dʌkʃən] n
    : producción f
    producción s.f.
    producto s.m.
    representación s.f.
    1) u
    a) ( manufacture) fabricación f, producción f
    b) ( output) producción f

    car/coal production — producción automovilística/de carbón

    2) u ( showing) presentación f

    on production of the correct documents — al presentar la documentación correspondiente, previa presentación de la documentación correspondiente

    3) c (staging, version) (Theat, Cin) producción f
    4) u
    a) ( act of producing) (Cin, TV) producción f; ( Theat) puesta f en escena, producción f
    b) ( direction) (Rad, Theat) dirección f
    1. N
    1) (=making) producción f ; (=manufacture) producción f, fabricación f

    the factory is in full production — la fábrica trabaja a plena capacidad

    the car is due to go into production later this year — está previsto que el coche empiece a fabricarse este año

    to put sth into production — lanzar algo a la producción

    to take sth out of production — [+ product] dejar de fabricar algo; [+ land] dejar de cultivar algo

    mass II, 4.
    2) (=output) (Ind, Agr) producción f ; (Art, Literat) obra f

    the firm exports 90% of its production — la empresa exporta el 90% de lo que produce or de su producción

    industrial/oil production — producción f industrial/de aceite

    3) (=act of showing) presentación f
    4) (Media)
    a) (=act of producing) (Theat) producción f, puesta f en escena; (Cine, TV, Rad) realización f

    the series goes into production in March — la serie empezará a realizarse en marzo

    b) (=play, film, programme) (Theat) representación f, montaje m ; (Cine, TV) producción f

    the opera has yet to receive its first productionno se ha hecho nunca una representación or montaje de la ópera, la ópera nunca se ha representado

    - make a production out of sth

    he made a real production out of it! — ¡montó un verdadero show! *

    CPD [process, department, costs, quota] de producción

    production agreement N(US) acuerdo m de productividad

    production assistant N — (Cine, TV) ayudante mf de realización

    production company N — (TV) (compañía f) productora f

    production costs NPLcostes mpl de producción

    production line Ncadena f de fabricación or montaje

    production manager N — (Ind) jefe(-a) m / f de producción; (Cine, TV) jefe(-a) m / f de realización

    production run Nserie f de producción

    * * *
    1) u
    a) ( manufacture) fabricación f, producción f
    b) ( output) producción f

    car/coal production — producción automovilística/de carbón

    2) u ( showing) presentación f

    on production of the correct documents — al presentar la documentación correspondiente, previa presentación de la documentación correspondiente

    3) c (staging, version) (Theat, Cin) producción f
    4) u
    a) ( act of producing) (Cin, TV) producción f; ( Theat) puesta f en escena, producción f
    b) ( direction) (Rad, Theat) dirección f

    English-spanish dictionary > production

  • 2 revival

    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) genoplivelse
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) vækkelse
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) nyopsætning
    * * *
    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) genoplivelse
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) vækkelse
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) nyopsætning

    English-Danish dictionary > revival

  • 3 revival

    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) reanimación
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) renacimiento, resurgimiento
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) reestreno
    1 (rebirth) renacimiento
    3 (of play) reestreno
    revival [ri'vaɪvəl] n
    1) : renacimiento m (de ideas, etc.), restablecimiento m (de costumbres, etc.), reactivación f (de la economía)
    2) : reanimación f, resucitación f (en medicina)
    3) or revival meeting : asamblea f evangelista
    despertamiento religioso s.m.
    reanimación s.f.
    reavivamiento s.m.
    reestreno s.m.
    renacimiento s.m.
    reposición s.f.
    1) c u
    a) (renewal, upsurge)

    a religious revivalun renacer or un renacimiento religioso

    b) (restoration - of old custom, practice) restablecimiento m, reinstauración f
    c) ( Med) reanimación f, resucitación f
    2) c ( Theat) reestreno m, reposición f
    1) (=bringing back) [of custom, usage] recuperación f ; [of old ideas] resurgimiento m
    2) (=coming back) [of custom, usage] vuelta f ; [of old ideas] renacimiento m

    the Revival of Learning — (Hist) el Renacimiento

    3) (from illness, faint) reanimación f
    4) (Theat) [of play] reposición f
    * * *
    1) c u
    a) (renewal, upsurge)

    a religious revivalun renacer or un renacimiento religioso

    b) (restoration - of old custom, practice) restablecimiento m, reinstauración f
    c) ( Med) reanimación f, resucitación f
    2) c ( Theat) reestreno m, reposición f

    English-spanish dictionary > revival

  • 4 revival

    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) gjenoppliving, fornyelse
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) vekkelse
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) reprise, gjenopptak
    subst. \/rɪˈvaɪv(ə)l\/
    1) gjenoppliving, fornyelse, renessanse, gjenoppfriskning
    2) ( film og teater) reprise, nypremiere, nyoppsetning
    3) ( religion) vekkelse, vekkelsesmøte
    the Revival of Learning eller (the) Revival of Letters humanismen, renessansen (med fokus på kunnskap)

    English-Norwegian dictionary > revival

  • 5 revival

    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) endurlífgun; endurnÿjun
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) endurvakning
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) endursÿning

    English-Icelandic dictionary > revival

  • 6 revival

    feléledés, új életre kelés, újjászületés
    * * *
    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) feléledés
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) ébredés
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) felújítás

    English-Hungarian dictionary > revival

  • 7 revival

    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) recuperação
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) renascimento
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) reposição
    * * *
    [riv'aivəl] n 1 revivificação, revivescimento. 2 restabelecimento, renovação. 3 reflorescimento, renascimento. 4 despertar religioso ou reuniões públicas realizadas com este fim. 5 nova montagem ou publicação (de peça ou livro antigo). Revival of Learning Hist a Renascença em relação às ciências.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > revival

  • 8 revival

    n. yeniden canlandırma, canlanma, diriltme, dirilme, uyanış, ayılma, ayıltma, yeniden gösterme, yeniden yayınlama, dinin yeniden canlanması
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) canlanma
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) yeniden rağbet bulma
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) tekrar sahneye koymak

    English-Turkish dictionary > revival

  • 9 revival

    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) okrevanje, obuditev
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) prenova
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) obnovitev
    * * *
    oživljenje, oživitev, oživljanje; vrnitev k zavesti ali moči; obnovitev, preporod, ponoven razcvet; repriza; juridically zopetna uveljavitev; verska obnova, misijon
    revival of business, of an old custom — oživitev trgovine, stare šege
    the Revival of Learning (Letters, Literature) history humanizem

    English-Slovenian dictionary > revival

  • 10 revival

    • jälleenelpyminen
    • henkiinherättäminen
    • herätys
    • henkiin herääminen
    • elpyminen
    • elvyttäminen
    • elvytys
    • entisöinti
    • uusintaesitys
    • uusiutuminen
    • renessanssi
    * * *
    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) elvytys
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) herätys
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) uusintaesitys

    English-Finnish dictionary > revival

  • 11 revival

    1) (of person) ripresa f. (anche med.); fig. (of economy) ripresa f.; (of hope, interest) rinascita f.
    2) (of custom, language, fashion) revival m.; (of law) rimessa f. in vigore
    3) teatr. rimessa f. in scena
    * * *
    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) (ritorno alla vita), ripresa
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) risveglio
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) ripresa
    * * *
    revival /rɪˈvaɪvl/
    n. [uc]
    1 revival; rinascita: the revival of folk music, la rinascita della musica folk; a revival of interest, un risveglio di interesse
    2 ritorno di attualità: the revival of an ancient tradition, il ritorno di attualità di un'antica tradizione
    3 (econ.) ripresa: an economic revival, una ripresa economica; The economy sank back into recession after a short-lived revival, dopo una breve ripresa, l'economia è ripiombata nella recessione; a revival in (o of) fortunes, un ritorno al successo; This win could spark a revival of his fortunes, questa vittoria potrebbe provocare un suo ritorno al successo
    4 ripresa ( di una commedia, ecc.): the revival of an old play, la ripresa di una vecchia commedia
    5 risveglio religioso; ritorno alla religione
    6 (med.) ripresa dei sensi; recupero delle forze
    7 (leg.) reviviscenza: the revival of a contract, la reviviscenza di un contratto
    8 ( sport) riscossa; ripartenza (fig.).
    * * *
    1) (of person) ripresa f. (anche med.); fig. (of economy) ripresa f.; (of hope, interest) rinascita f.
    2) (of custom, language, fashion) revival m.; (of law) rimessa f. in vigore
    3) teatr. rimessa f. in scena

    English-Italian dictionary > revival

  • 12 revival

    1) (making active again) Wieder- od. Neubelebung, die
    2) (Theatre) Wiederaufführung, die; Revival, das
    3) (Relig.): (awakening) Erweckung, die
    4) (restoration) Wiederherstellung, die; Regenerierung, die (geh.); (to consciousness or life; also fig.) Wiederbelebung, die
    * * *
    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) die Wiederbelebung, wie das Wiederaufleben
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) das Wiederaufleben
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) Wiederaufnahme
    * * *
    1. no pl (restoration to life) Wiederbelebung f
    2. no pl (coming back) of an idea etc. Wiederaufleben f, Revival nt, Comeback nt; of a custom, fashion also Renaissance f
    recently, there has been some \revival of interest in ancient music seit Kurzem besteht wieder Interesse an altertümlicher Musik
    economic \revival wirtschaftlicher Aufschwung
    to undergo a \revival eine Renaissance erleben; person ein Comeback feiern
    3. (new production) Neuauflage f; of a film Neuverfilmung f; of a play Neuaufführung f
    musical \revival Revival nt eines Songs
    4. REL Erweckung f
    to hold a \revival eine Erweckungsveranstaltung abhalten
    * * *
    1) (= bringing back of custom, usage) Wiedererwecken nt, Wiederauflebenlassen nt; (of old ideas, affair) Wiederaufnehmen nt, Wiederaufgreifen nt; (from faint, fatigue) Wiederbeleben nt, Wiederbelebung f; (of play) Wiederaufnahme f; (of law) Wiederinkrafttreten nt
    2) (= coming back, return of custom, old ideas etc) Wiederaufleben nt; (from faint, fatigue) Wiederbelebung f

    there has been a revival of interest in... — das Interesse an... ist wieder wach geworden or ist wieder erwacht

    3) (REL) Erweckung f
    * * *
    revival [rıˈvaıvl] s
    1. Wiederbelebung f ( auch JUR von Rechten), WIRTSCH Sanierung f (eines Unternehmens etc):
    revival of architecture, Gothic revival Neugotik f;
    Revival of Learning ( oder Letters, Literature) HIST (der) Humanismus
    2. Wiederaufgreifen n (eines veralteten Wortes etc), THEAT Wiederaufnahme f (eines vergessenen Stückes)
    3. Wiederaufleben n, -aufblühen n, Erneuerung f:
    there has been a revival of interest in das Interesse an (dat) ist wieder aufgelebt
    4. REL besonders US
    a) auch revival of religion (religiöse) Erweckung
    b) auch revival meeting Erweckungsversammlung f
    5. JUR Wiederinkrafttreten n
    * * *
    1) (making active again) Wieder- od. Neubelebung, die
    2) (Theatre) Wiederaufführung, die; Revival, das
    3) (Relig.): (awakening) Erweckung, die
    4) (restoration) Wiederherstellung, die; Regenerierung, die (geh.); (to consciousness or life; also fig.) Wiederbelebung, die
    * * *
    Erweckung f.
    Wiederbelebung f.

    English-german dictionary > revival

  • 13 revival

    n ( ECON)
    ożywienie nt; ( THEAT) wznowienie nt
    * * *
    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) odżycie
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) przebudzenie, odrodzenie
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) wznowienie

    English-Polish dictionary > revival

  • 14 revival

    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) atdzimšana, (spēku u.tml.) atgūšana
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) atmoda; atjaunotne
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) atjaunošana
    * * *
    atdzimšana, atmoda; atgūšana; jauniestudējums

    English-Latvian dictionary > revival

  • 15 revival

    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) atgaivinimas, atsigavimas
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) atgimimas
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) atnaujinimas, atkūrimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > revival

  • 16 revival

    n. återupplivande; förnyelse; återuppvaknande
    * * *
    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) återupplivande, återhämtning
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) renässans
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) repris, nypremiär

    English-Swedish dictionary > revival

  • 17 revival

    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) oživení
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) obrození
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) nové uvedení
    * * *
    • oživení

    English-Czech dictionary > revival

  • 18 revival

    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) oživenie
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) obrodenie
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) nové uvedenie
    * * *
    • duchovná obroda
    • duchovná obnova
    • evanjelizácia
    • reštitúcia
    • renesancia
    • oživenie
    • obroda
    • obnova
    • obrodenie
    • obnovenie
    • nové vydanie knihy

    English-Slovak dictionary > revival

  • 19 revival

    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) revenire; redeşteptare
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) renaştere
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) relansare

    English-Romanian dictionary > revival

  • 20 revival

    1) (the act of reviving or state of being revived: the revival of the invalid / of our hopes.) ξαναζωντάνεμα, αναγέννηση/ αναβίωση
    2) ((a time of) new or increased interest in something: a religious revival.) αφύπνιση
    3) ((the act of producing) an old and almost forgotten play, show etc.) αναβίωση

    English-Greek dictionary > revival

См. также в других словарях:

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  • producing cause — Respecting broker s commission, is act which, continuing in unbroken chain of cause and effect, produces result. Schebesta v. Stewart, Tex.Civ. App., 37 S.W.2d 781, 786. A producing cause of an employee s death for which compensation is sought is …   Black's law dictionary

  • act of law — The operation of fixed legal rules upon given facts or occurrences, producing consequences independent of the design or will of the parties concerned; as distinguished from act of parties. Also an act performed by judicial authority which… …   Black's law dictionary

  • act of law — The operation of fixed legal rules upon given facts or occurrences, producing consequences independent of the design or will of the parties concerned; as distinguished from act of parties. Also an act performed by judicial authority which… …   Black's law dictionary

  • To act a part — Act Act, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Acted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Acting}.] [L. actus, p. p. of agere to drive, lead, do; but influenced by E. act, n.] 1. To move to action; to actuate; to animate. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Self love, the spring of motion, acts …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To act the part of — Act Act, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Acted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Acting}.] [L. actus, p. p. of agere to drive, lead, do; but influenced by E. act, n.] 1. To move to action; to actuate; to animate. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Self love, the spring of motion, acts …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Copyright Act of Canada — is Canada s federal statute governing copyright law in Canada. The Copyright Act of Canada which was first passed in 1921 and substantially amended in 1988 and 1997. In 2005 an attempt to amend the Canadian Copyright Act was made but Bill C 60… …   Wikipedia

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